Bem-Estar Físico Bem-Estar Físico

It’s always hard to feel at the peak of our productivity throughout the work week. Mondays are difficult because we still have the weekend pace, by middle of the week we are back to our normal pace, but by the end, between tasks, deadlines, meetings, and a few more worries, we just looking forward to the weekend again. There are handy snacks you can take to work that can help you boost your energy so you stay productive and in a good mood.

Workwell gives you a selection of snacks that can help you stay productive along each day of the work week.

Monday – Banana Pancakes

Bananas are a great option, and a practical way to get immediate energy. This fruit is a natural sugar source and is rich in fiber, which will slow your digestion and keep your energy levels steady.

Try some banana pancakes, they are very simple to make. Add an egg, oats and a banana, mix everything together and finally put the mixture in a frying pan. Just this, then take it to work.

Tuesday – Apple with Peanut Butter

Filled with fiber and nutrients, apples have antioxidants. In this fruit you will find the energy you need to perform your tasks. Peanut butter in the right portion is also healthy and known as a good fat.

Join apple with a portion of peanut butter (opt for peanut butter made only with peanuts) and have a perfect snack combination to take to work.

Wednesday – Yogurt and Fruit

Yogurt is a healthy option, with many benefits to our bone health and is a practical solution to your work snacks. Choose other alternatives like sugar-free and natural, vegan or lactose-free yogurt if you are intolerant. If you still miss the sweet, add some honey or natural sweetener. Then just add the fruit you like most.

snacks saudáveis

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Thursday – Strawberry and Dark Chocolate

Strawberries have minerals, vitamin C and contain oxidants that help you feel less tired. But dark chocolate, is also something healthy that you can include in your snacks, it has many antioxidant properties, that gives you energy and at the same time satisfy your craving for something sweet.

Combine one serving of strawberries and one square of dark chocolate. These two are a great choice to relieve stress from the end of the work week. Just be aware that the higher the percentage of cocoa the healthier the chocolate.

snacks saudáveis

Friday – Berries and Almonds

Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are fruits with antioxidant properties that can decrease our fatigue. Almonds are healthy fats full of calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Combine some of these fruits with a handful of almonds or other nuts that you like, a super handy snack to take to work and end your week in a good mood.

snacks saudáveis

These are options suggested by Workwell but there are many others to choose from. The important thing is for you to feel good, energetic and stay productive during your work week.


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